Sunday, November 6, 2011

exciting morning

Happy Sunday!
Did you "fall back" an hour?  I loved this time change when I was younger.. I loved the thought of gaining another hour of my day and another hour of sleep.  I was awaken this morning by Connor's little happy voice making kissing noises.

"Mwah! Ta-tu!"
(He's really saying "thank you" for the kiss because that's what we say to him after he gives us a kiss, but I'm not about to correct him, I'm grooming my son to be a charmer ;) Ha!)

Slightly annoyed and puzzled that he was already up at 7:30am (he usually wakes up between 8 and 8:30am if we let him), I laid there exhausted, hating myself for staying up too late the night before.  And then it hit me, I did sleep an extra hour, it was really "8:30am."  Score!  I totally gained another hour!

I know, lame.  The things I get excited about.
Anyhow, moving on to another exciting thing.. I signed up the the Sunday newspaper and today was my first delivery!  I felt so grown up looking for the paper on my driveway in my robe and UGGs.  It was delightful.  I made myself a cup of coffee and sat and opened my paper while Connor ate his breakfast.  Cheers to a good start this morning! 

Hope yours was just as delightful :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Howl-o-ween weekend

This weekend we celebrated all things Halloween.  We started with the Cal Poly pumpkin patch to get in the Halloween spirit.  Connor was a little ham.  He was enjoying looking for a pumpkin when he started rolling down the hill.  I seriously thought he was going to roll down the entire hill.  I will admit though it gave David and me the giggles.

Here's C doing one of his favorite things, sitting on Daddy's shoulders.  He always wants to see how far he can lean back and then pull himself up.  This makes for a nervous Mommy when it looks like he may fall off, so I just opt not to look!

Look at that little face.  He clearly hadn't rolled down the hill yet.  Ha!

On Sunday, we went to Long Beach to the Halloween Dog and Kid Costume Parade.  We had never been and it was fun!  It is crazy to see what dog owners do with their dogs.  There was a dog dressed as Tinkerbell that was suspended in the air to look as if he was flying.  Crazy I tell ya!

One of the best things about Long Beach are the homes.  They are just gorgeous.  I was snapping pictures of the homes on the hike back to our car and David was embarassed.  He didn't want homeowners to think I was a creep.  So if you saw an asian girl trying to take pictures of your home in Long Beach, I promise it was simply because I admire it :)

Here's a picture of David because I was trying to act like I wasn't taking pictures of the homes...

But alas, I got one!  SWOON :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Man

Last year, I was laying in a hospital bed waiting for my Connor to make his entrance.  He was finally born at 11:58pm on July 15, and at that moment my whole world changed.  He was and still is precious, my little bundle of everything. He fills our lives with so much love and joy, I cannot imagine our lives without his little squeals and giggles.  Happy birthday to my sweet baby boy.  Mommy and Daddy love you more and more each day.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

For the Love of my Brides

Disclaimer: this might be a little mushy, so if you're looking for a different kind of read tonight, I'd click the tiny "x" out of here. ;)

Today was the ultimate bridesmaid day- I met with Erin this morning to go over bridesmaid dresses and details of the wedding.  Seeing all the details of her big day really brought everything to life.  We've all had Roldan and Erin's wedding on our calendars for a while now, but it is a short three months away, and it is going to be amazing.  You will not believe what they have planned!

After that, I met with Vivian to help look for platters for her dessert bar.  We went to several stores, searching for the perfect pieces to complete the look for her big day.  All the while, I was exchanging text messages with Vanessa while she was shopping for her wedding shoes.  I think I could die wearing Vanessa's shoes. Haha.  You have to see those puppies. 

This day just is the beginning to an incredible wedding season... with that being said, this post is dedicated to my dear girlfriends.

Erin: I am so incredibly excited for everything in store for you and Roldan.  I cannot believe in three short years how our friendship has flourished and how I am now going to be standing beside you when you marry the love of your life.  We are so blessed to have you and Roldan in our lives.  David and I love that we have the two of you as our best friends, two people that we undoubtedly know we can count on for anything- whether it be a weeknight double date or someone to call on just to chat.  Thank you for your kind heart and your love for Connor, we could not begin to even explain the love we have for the two of you.  We can't wait for the big day!

Vanessa: In college, remember when they said, "you don't go to college to meet your husband, you go to meet your bridesmaid,"- and although it kinda sounded funny, at the same time, it didn't sound wrong?  I was so honored to have you as my bridesmaid, and now to be standing next to you at your wedding, I am amazed at all the memories we have together.  How lucky can we be, that through the chapters of our lives thus far, we have grown together?  From college fraternity parties, late night snacks at Mel's Diner in Hollywood, to a career at Cintas where we talk everyday- a new chapter in our lives, and I cannot wait to see how it unfolds.  I am so happy for you and Andrew.  The way you two compliment each other is admirable.  I am certain that the two of you will honor and respect each other and that will be just the beginning to your great story.  The countdown begins (I am dying to see your dance floor ;))! Ha!

Vivian: Oh my!  Who would have known that we would have been as great friends as we are?  I am forever grateful for the friendship that we have.  Our friendship is the kind of friendship where we can literally do nothing together, and it was a fufilling day lol.  And we have tested that theory. ;)  Thank you for being you.  With you, I can be myself, and you let me.  I know that Tom appreciates those same qualities that I do.  Your kind heart, makes it easy for us to count you twice when we count our blessings.  I am not quite sure I like the idea that you're going to be in YL all the time, but I suppose it'll be worth it if it means that you're one step closer to having babies! Yay- ha!  

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Connor's First Birthday...

Yes, I know how crazy that sounds, but it is five months away.  If you don't already know, David and I are VERY busy this year.  A lot of our dearest friends are getting hitched, and with that, we are esentially booked from March/April to August.  Five weddings total, and I am in three, David is in two.  With that being said, you can imagine why I'm ready to plan Connor's birthday and not let the poor little man get lost in the shuffle.

I have an idea of what I want the birthday theme to be, but I'm opening it up to our dear friends to help us out.  Any ideas on a cute first birthday theme??  Let us know!

BTW, I'm super excited to show pictures of our new and improved kitchen... David did very well, very, very well ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy New Year, 22 days later!

Its been a crazy few months for us.  Between transitions with work, the holidays, David re-painting our cabinets, our two year anniversary and Connor's first cold- we have had our hands full.  This is the first evening that I'm home just basking in the silence of a semi-empty home.  Connor is sleeping and David is out at his Fraternity's Anniversary Party.  I wish I could have gone, but someone has to watch the little man!

So here I am finally catching up on the blog.  I have to tell you, I was pretty blog crazy for a while- and I need to get back into it.  I need to have an escape to push me to day dream, to focus on some fun time, and to have something for me.  This includes following more blogs, updating my blog, and being more inspired- by anything and anyone.  My first task of accountability will be making a list of goals that I want to accomplish- both short term and long term.  I will post them here so that anyone can call me out on them, or help me to re-focus.  Like I said, 22 days later- but I do have intentions of getting to them ;)

Stay tuned...